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124 Countries Stand By The International Criminal Court


124 Countries Stand by the International Criminal Court

International States United

Commitment to Justice

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has gained significant global support, with 124 countries now officially adhering to its founding treaty, the Rome Statute. Among these signatories are 33 African states, 19 Asian-Pacific states, and a diverse representation from Western Europe and other regions.

The ICC has the mandate to prosecute individuals for serious crimes of international concern, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Its establishment represents a major step towards ensuring accountability for the most heinous crimes committed in the world.

Despite its widespread acceptance, the ICC has also faced challenges. The United States, for example, has enacted legislation known as the American Service-Members Protection Act (ASPA), which effectively shields American citizens from ICC prosecution.

Notwithstanding these challenges, the ICC remains a crucial tool for upholding international justice. Its work serves as a powerful deterrent against future atrocities and reinforces the principle that no one is above the law.

